Galveston Hotel & Lodging Association

Join us!

Associate Membership:

For companies that provide products and services to the lodging industry in Galveston. This also includes organizations that are affiliated with the hotel industry (such as colleges and universities, convention bureaus, convention centers, and other associations).  The annual fee for an Allied Member is $250 per year for a representative of the Company.

GHLA Membership Benefits:

  • Protecting your interests at City Hall and at the State Legislature
  • Identifying the positions of government officials (City, County and State) on issues that affect the lodging & tourism industries (Ex: occupancy taxes)
  • Having a “Go-To” place for questions
  • Working with VisitGalveston to increase lodging occupancy & visitation to the island
  • Marketing opportunities (Ex: sponsoring a luncheon)
  • Networking opportunities with hospitality industry professionals at Events
  • Quarterly Membership Meetings featuring speakers who provide information pertinent to the lodging & tourism industries
  • Access to tourism-related Information
  • Access to educational seminars
  • Access to a GHLA membership list
  • The opportunity to become an GHLA Board Member

Lodging Membership:

For lodging properties, including individual hotels and resorts, hotel owners & vacation rental management companies.  Benefits include marketing your property on three Texas tourism websites (TravelTexas, VisitGalveston, and GHLA as well as discounts on products and services for your property. 

GHLA Membership Benefits:

  • Reciprocal membership with the Texas Hotel & Lodging Association 
  • Protecting your interests at City Hall and at the State Legislature
  • Identifying the positions of government officials (City, County and State) on issues that affect the lodging & tourism industries (Ex: occupancy taxes)
  • Working with VisitGalveston to increase lodging occupancy & visitation to the island
  • Marketing opportunities (Ex: sponsoring a luncheon)
  • Networking opportunities with hospitality industry professionals at Membership Meetings
  • Ongoing efforts to communicate the impact of the tourism industry on the Galveston community
  • Having a “Go-To” place for lodging questions
  • Quarterly Membership Meetings featuring speakers who provide information pertinent to the lodging & tourism industries
  • Access to tourism-related Information
  • Access to educational seminars
  • Access to security alerts
  • Access to a GHLA membership list
  • The opportunity to become an GHLA Board Member
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